Running pop quiz

asics sound mind sound body running

I don’t really consider myself a true “runner.” I feel like that is a an elite title that I don’t deserve. Sure, I run several times a week, but 10 miles is long for me. I don’t run marathons, and I don’t really have an interest to. For me, running is about doing something good for my body and something I enjoy. While I do like beating my past times or running farther than I expected, it’s not about competition.

That being said, I’ve enjoyed reading other people’s answers as this quiz has circled to blogosphere, so here is my take.

1. FUEL: Shot Bloks, GU, Energy Chews, Candy or Other?

  • I’ve never tried GU or chews or any other fancy shmancy fuel things. Not that I’m opposed to it, I’ve just never tried any. I like the idea of building my body’s natural endurance to move for distances and periods of time without extra fuel. If I’ve eaten properly before a run, I feel good. But like I said, I haven’t tried anything else…. I might love them!

2. Race Length: 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon, Marathon, Ultra or Other?

  • I’ve run a 5k and an 8k. I’ve trained for a ½ marathon just to work on my distance, and I’m in the middle of another ½ training schedule right now. Maybe next year I’ll actually run one! I haven’t been super interested in running an actual longer race, but I figure I should get around to it at some point. Really, I’m not an overly competitive person. I don’t like losing and I don’t like the feeling of frustration and momentary dislike of people I’m competing with (read: I’m quite picky about what kind of games I’ll play with who)… so I stay away from competitive things.Running is something I do because I enjoy it, because I love getting outside, because I’m driven by the feeling of accomplishment or setting a new PR. I’m not sure I want to take something I enjoy me for and put it in a competitive setting. I don’t want to start hating it.I’ve started thinking about a half next season, and maybe a 10k or another 8k in the mix. I have yet to be bitten by the race bug, and I want to take it a step at a time. If I hate it, I won’t race. I won’t give up running like that.

3. Workout Bottoms: Skirts, Running Shorts, Capris, Pants or Other?

  • Shorts as much as possible. Shorts with tall socks or compression socks when it gets cool. Long pants when I absolutely have to.

running shorts danskin

4. Sports Drink: Gatorade, Powerade, Cytomax, you stick to water when you run or Other?

  • If I’m out on a longer run – and not on my normal trail with some water fountains – I’ll run with a water bottle.
running water bottle

Anyone have experience with running bottles like these? I haven’t tried them, so I’m curious if they’re comfortable enough to try.

5. Running Temperatures: HEAT or COLD?

  • Probably  heat. I am not a fan of cold weather. That being said, humidity makes running or working out rather difficult. So…. I prefer dry heat?

6. Running Shoe Brands: Saucony, Mizuno, Nike, Brookes, Asics or Other?

  • Saucony is my favorite. These are my current pair, and I’m also rotating them with Asics I found them on sale. My previous pair of Saucony’s were better, though, and I like the Asics fine enough. I’m still searching for “my” shoe. I have had Nike in the past, and I don’t think I will ever buy that brand again. Just me.

7. Pre-race meal: Oatmeal, Bagel, Banana, Eggs, Cereal or Other?

  • Change this to pre–run meal for me, not pre–race. I often have natural peanut butter on bread or protein power mixed in water before a run. A scrambled egg or banana are other regulars. These days my shorter weekday runs take place after work, but before dinner, so I’ll try to eat some fruit or a snack in the late afternoon and then my dinner after the run.
scrambled eggs

I don’t like mine runny, and I usually mix in some salsa too. Depends on the day.

8. Rest Days: 1x per week, 2x per week, never ever or Other?

  • At least twice per week. I’ll do an easier day for a third: some yoga, or strength training but not cardio. Right now I’m running three to four days, doing a cardio HIIT workout once or twice a week, a non–cardio day… and then a couple of rest days mixed in.

9. Music: Have to have it or go without it?

  • Right now I don’t like running with music at all. In the past, I’ve always had music. Maybe I just go through phases… but I did a run a couple of weeks ago with music again, and I hated it.

10. #1 reason for running: stress-relief, endorphins, you love to race, so you can eat all the cupcakes you want, weight-loss, love running for social reasons or Other?

  • Stress relief is number one for me. Stay fit and weight loss are close seconds. Running is one tool I use to stay/get in shape…. and it’s a major tool to relax. Running is “me” time. I’ve got to have activity in my day, work off some stress, loosen up my body, get my heart pumping… and then resting is so much sweeter.My favorite Saturdays have a lazy morning, a mid–morning or mid–day long run, lunch and an afternoon nap. Obviously, I don’t get much accomplished on those days. But I feel so rejuvenated and refreshed and relaxed… and I think that’s enough “re–” words for one sentence.

Last year’s Asics campaign sums it up perfectly.

asics sound mind sound body

asics running releases more than just sweat

11. I won’t run outside when its…

  • Storming  or pouring rain. I don’t mind rain… in fact, a lighter rain when it’s warm out can be really refreshing. Lot’s of snow keeps me inside too. I hate cold – did I mention that? – and snow and I do not get along.

12. Worst injury & how I got over it.

  • I was in a bike accident this summer that kept me from running for nearly 2 months. Not a serious accident – my foot slipped forward off the pedal and caught in the tire. Some flipping, some nasty bruises, possible broken foot…. and doc said I could really break it seriously if I ran too soon. I did a lot of swimming this summer.

14. Potential running goals for 2013.

  • At least one 10k and maybe an 8k again. A half is a possibility. I’m still thinking about that one.

4 thoughts on “Running pop quiz

  1. You should TOTALLY do a half! I’m doing my first in about a month! I now am not a huge fan of shorter races because they feel like a warmup 😉 I have a handheld water bottle too and love it for long runs.

    • I keep thinking about it…. so I imagine it’ll happen next season!

      In the meantime, I’ve been looking for shorter races in my area right now, and I swear I am out of town for every single one! One of these days…. 🙂

  2. I like both styles of water bottles you featured — used to swear by the belted bottle set up but my friend convinced me the handheld was not like carrying a bottle, and I have been leaning more in favor of the handheld (with the convenient zipper pocket built in for car key, phone etc!) ~ Kat

    • Thanks for the feedback! I’m thinking I’ll like the handheld more. I don’t usually carry my phone on a run, so a pouch on the handle would solve that too.

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