Breaking up with food

RememberFollow Piloting Paper Airplanes at it’s new home. I will stop checking this blog sometime in April.



After a tumultuous relationship, it’s finally time.

I’ve never really enjoyed food. I made it work because, well, I have to. Going vegetarian was easy because I didn’t like or eat a lot of meat to begin with. I distinctly remember when I starting disliking cheese as a kid; I love certain cheeses now, but I’m an all–around cheese person. Eggs have never been my favorite (as a kid I was scandalized to be eating a baby bird).

Breakfast meal. Stock Exchange. {}I like cooking fine; don’t love it. I don’t overly enjoy sitting down for a meal. It feels like a waste of time to me. I’ve been known to just forget to eat. The quality time with people I care about is important, but meals have never been about the food. I love snack things like granola bars, nuts or fruit that I eat on the go.

Now, there are certain meals I could die for, of course. And sweets… don’t get me started on good sweets. Ice cream = eye balls made of hearts. My annual Easter bag of jelly beans… um, don’t touch. I lust after a good bar of dark chocolate – add organic and fair trade, you might lose a finger if you take some.

The point is, I look at food in one of two ways: a chore or a naughty treat

Anyone else? Just me? Hm k.

I started down this break up path a few months ago. I blame Kris Carr. It started when I read Crazy Sexy Diet and began evaluating my relationship with food. I learned to consider food in terms of pH balance, glycemic index and “cleanness.” I’ve noticed how what I eat directly affects my mood, my energy and my emotional balance.

The buzz term floating around the interwebs is food is fuel. It was a “duh you dummy” – er, I mean a positive “ah ha!” – moment when I really thought about this. I can now replace food = chore with food = fuel. Big difference in my head. Good fuel makes my body and mind run right. Good fuel = good runs = good sleep = good mood Larissa.

Peace out old outlook on food. Hello new, smarter, positive, more productive relationship.

I’m still figuring out exactly what this new phase looks like. It’s been a few months of experimentation. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

  • Treats are not my enemy, downfall, failure, insert–more–negatives–words–here. 

    They are meant to be enjoyed and savored, and I don’t need a lot for that to happen. The last few months I have “let” myself be less careful about treats, and I haven’t gained a bit. It’s much less mental stress to eat something I like in moderation than refuse to eat it. Best part: guilt free because it’s “allowed”. Let me have my cake and enjoy it to, thank you very much.

  • Sugar is in everything.

    So if I have an Asiago bagel with light cream cheese, or lasagna with white pasta… that’s my sweet treat of the day right there. I’ve sworn off nearly everything white. This wasn’t hard, as we never purchase white pasta, white bread, white rice, etc. And we make our own bread with organic wheat flour and no sugar. Cereal breaks this rule but we almost exclusively buy organic and I don’t eat cereal every day.

  • I don’t need a lot of dairy.

    I feel better when animal products are just not in my diet all that much. I swapped my beloved yogurt for sugar–free apple sauce and haven’t looked back once. I evaluated what I was eating with cheese and realized there were plenty times cheese added little to nothing to my meal. I still eat it when I want it, but only when it’s my favorites (i.e. shredded cheese on a veggie tortilla, meh, didn’t matter. Feta on my salad, love it). Eggs happen maybe once a month. I would rather eat an occasional meal of good, organic chicken and less meaningless dairy.

  • Green smoothies make my insides happy.

    I know, I know; someday maybe I’ll stop talking about these. Everything just feels and works better when I drink a good, clean smoothie. Move over, genetically modified, overly–processed, chemical–filled powder protein supplements with the really dumb/ looking flexing muscle man plastered on the label. I mean seriously. People actually buy that stuff?? So many better and healthier products out there.

  • Eat when I feel hungry.

    I’ve been upping my mileage and thus upping my appetite the last few weeks. Jon has been like, “you’re still hungry? You don’t normally eat this much.” By “this much” he means what equates a snack for him. *Blasted fast–metabolism people…*

  • Eat what works for my body.

    I am not blessed with a fast metabolism. After years of a hate–filled negative relationship, I’m finally able to move on. I am blessed with my metabolism and I need to learn how to best treat it. I’ve come leaps and bounds in learning to eat for my body and I still have a lot to learn.

The result? I feel better, physically and mentally. I’m stronger, faster and more balanced. I’ve even lost weight.

Learn to eat for your body. Make that the goal. Begin to accept how it works and feed it things that make it feel good, and eventually, we might learn to fully love our bodies. Let’s get rid of phrases like cheat meal and start saying things like my well–deserved and much–appreciated treat of the day. Yes?

Have you ever worked through a “food breakup?” How have you changed the way to look at food? Any strategies or lessons that really helped you?

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What makes me powerful

Remember: Follow Piloting Paper Airplanes at it’s new home. I will stop checking this blog sometime in April.



Some days (weeks?) I just need that extra “oomph.” Something that pushes me from a blah day to a successful day. Just ask my husband; last night I was a whiny, mopey, defeated mess of a person. For no particular reason – or actually, maybe a lot of reasons, but none specific to the day. So I got to thinking…

What makes me feel powerful?

I’m looking for tangible things. Things I underestimate, but that make a big difference.  And I settled on a few that automatically take my day up a notch.

  • The power of sexy shoes.

    I’m talking a good pair of sexy heels, not the kind that make you wan to cut your toes off. The kind that make my legs look so good I want to show off all day. Never underestimate the power of some good heels.

    Screeeeech, stop, back up.

    Am I talking about heels? Me?? The woman who for a long time has said I don’t like them and wear them never–only–on–blue–moons? Yup. Because somewhere in my adult life I’ve learned the power of good shoes. For so long I collected hand–me–downs from friends. Now I have 4 pairs of  comfortable memory–foam heels in good colors – black of course, nude, red and silver –  and man, do I feel good with a cute dress and some sexy skinny jeans and those heels.

    And seriously… some days my comfortable & sparkly flats are just what I need. I have 3 pairs in black, silver and gold that add the perfect little “somethin somethin” to a more casual outfit.

  • The power of a green smoothie.

    Woah, 180 here, but bear with me. Nothing makes me feel better than a fresh green smoothie. Like honestly, it’s magic to my insides. It settles my stomach, replenishes protein and energy, keeps me hydrated and gives me just enough sweetness to take the edge off those give–me–chocolate–before–I–poke–someone’s–eye–out moments. (We generally keep a bag of chocolate chips in the fridge as Jon preferred to keep his eyes).

    I generally make a pretty big smoothie batch and put some in the fridge for the next day. I also pre–wash and cut all my veggies so I don’t have to mess with that every time. Keeps me from being too lazy to make a smoothie.

Green Smoothie {}

  • The power of a good run.

    This is an obvious one. I’m a runner, I like to run, I go for runs and feel better, done.

    Running is just as much a mental things as physical. Once I get those endorphines flowing, the muscles burning and some “me” time in the fresh air, I feel great. Most of the time…. there are always bad run days, or days I just can’t make my goal distance/speed. But so long as I don’t feel guilty about those runs, I still reap the benefits.

  • The power of REST.

    Ahem. Let me climb onto my soap box and put on a mom hat. Go to bed! Set a bed time and stick to it. Preaching to the choir here, but I’ve even gone to bed early several nights in the last week. Makes a huge difference.

    Another part to this: rest days. Yes, I’ve seen all the graphics and Pinterest images about “No days off” or “Sweat every day” and every time I just think how dumb that is. (If I’ve used one in my motivation posts, apologies; I usually stay away, but it might have snuck in – side note: snuck? sneaked? My grammar/editor/journalist friends need to help me out. They both sound funny.) Anyway, I’m still on that box, so listen up. Use those rest days and take care of your body. Plus, think of all the reading/TV watching/shopping/general interneting/sleeping  you can do?

Sweat every day UnderArmour {}
This is just silly.
  • The power of living without guilt.

    I had a dinner work event on Monday, during which I ate more than normal and had a few (*counts fingers in uncertainty*) glasses of wine. It was fun, but I came home feeling bloated. Total fat moment. I said to Jon, “You don’t have a thin wife tonight” and something about “undoing my progress” *grumble grumble fall into bed.*

    What I got was sweet “But I have a beautiful wife!” followed by a stern talking to about how I don’t get to feel guilty about just one meal/day/weekend/etc. And he’s right. Not only is that guilt completely unfounded, it doesn’t help my mind or body at all. It just makes things worse.

    Instead, I need to take a moment to thank my body for being healthy and strong enough to bounce back. Maybe I even need to apologize to my intestines for the extra work I’m asking of them. And then move on sans guilt. That’s powerful right there.

What makes you powerful? Any specific habits or items that just make you feel awesome? Add to my list!

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PPA has a new home!

New Home Creative Commons {}Spring cleaning has happened, change is in the air, and Piloting Paper Airplanes has a new home!

I’m very excited to have officially made the switch to a self–hosted blog home. *Happy dance* in my living room!

There are a few glitches I’m still working out, so bear with me.

  • Only the last third of my posts transfered from
    This doesn’t really bother me, as I doubt many people will be looking that far back, but just know there are additional posts still housed at
  • The post comments did transfer over, but all except the most recent posts say “0 comments.” Not sure why.
  • Gallery issues! This one really annoys me and I’m working on it (if you have suggestions, please share). The Jetpack plugin gives me the cool mosaic galleries from, but the carousel when you click on an image doesn’t work anymore. It seems to be a JavaScript issue, and it seems to be a problem many .org bloggers have. *Grumble grumble make it work grumble.*
  • The URL mask doesn’t show link extensions for the pages or posts right now. The is top priority to fix (today, hopefully).

No one said go self–hosted is easy, right? I have enough web design skills to be really picky and customize my theme pretty drastically, which also means a higher chance of breaking things. :-) It also means I’ve spent a lot of time on forums the last two weeks.

I lost most of my blog followers in this change, so please [re–]follow via RSS (icon in the header) or email (Follow button on bottom right). Much appreciated! This new .org page is still linked to my .com account, meaning I see my WordPress reader when I log in, so don’t worry – you haven’t lost a reader if I follow you via WP!

However, if you follow PPA via the WP reader, you’ll have to re–subscribe via email or rss. I won’t be updating anymore.

I think that’s all from the housekeeping side of things. Please let me know if you find any additional glitches. I imagine there are more I haven’t caught yet.

Home Sweet Home Creative Commons {}

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Fit Friday: training week 1 & a sneak peek at my new site!

This week was the official beginning of half marathon training. I switched around the early week workouts as I was still sore from the Gladiator, but it feels good to have a couple runs done. And they were HARD. I … Continue reading

Commit, compete, complete

finish strong #run #race #motivation #inspiration {}

We did it! The Gladiator run was awesome. Challenging and dirty and comfort–zone busting. We had a blast. I’ll gather a few photos and post more about it later in the week; in the meantime, today’s motivation is focused on … Continue reading